5 Reasons Why and 1 Benefit for Autistic Adults Liking Trains.

Are you an Autistic adult who loves trains?  Do you have a model train or a collection of model trains?  Can you, or have you, spent hours in train museums?  Do you enjoy riding on a train?

For many of us Autistic adults, we often find a strong fascination with trains.  Our fascination with what was once called the iron Horse may be attributed to how highly engaging and comforting trains are.  The consistent nature of trains can offer a sense of security and control, which can be especially beneficial for those of us on the Autism spectrum. 

Now let’s go further down the track and explore additional reasons why we love trains.

Sensory Expectations

Trains offer us a variety of sensory experiences.   The visual elements we can experience from trains including the motion of the train along the tracks, the intricate details of carriages, and changing scenery can be captivating. 

The repetitive patterns, who are the rhythmic sounds of the train’s engine, the clickety-clack of the wheels on the track and the whistle blowing can be comforting as it provides us with a consistent auditory experience.

Let’s not forget the tactile sensation of model trains or the vibrations from a train can also be very calming.


For those of us on the spectrum who like structure, organization and classification of everything, trains are attractive to us as the can be categorized into different models, types, and sizes. 

Focus on Details

As Autistics, we often have a strong interest in details, and trans offer a wealth of intricate features to observe.  The features range from the different types of locomotives to the markings on the carriages.


Many Autistic adults may have a stronger attention capture by trains than faces, which can make trains the focus of our interest instead of other people. 


For those of us who thrive on routine, structure and predictability, trains have schedules and operate on a pre-determined route.

Social Interaction

Trains is a popular special interest amount Autistics of all ages.  We not only enjoy studying trains, many of us also enjoy talking about trains.  Sharing our interest in trains with others can provide us opportunities for meaningful social interaction with other train enthusiasts, including online communities.