8 facts about Autism every Autistic and Everyone Else Should Know

Did you know that the CDC estimates there are over 5,437.988 Autistic adults on the United States?

When Autistics like you and me start learning the facts about Autism, we can better understand what we are facing and help us develop Autism pride.

When Allistics start learning the facts about Autism, the misconceptions and stereotypes about Autism can be replaced by understanding, support and acceptance – not to mention inclusion.

  • Every Autistic person is unique

There is a saying that holds a lot of truth in it: “If you have met one person with Autism, you’ve met one person with Autism” – Stephen Shore.  Each one of us is as unique as a snowflake on a cold winter MORNING SURE there are overlaping simularities in the autism community, however like everything else in nature, there are no two of us who are completely alike.

  • 75% of Autistic adults are unemployed

Some reports indicate the unemployment rate here in the U.S. is closer to 85%.

This is an unacceptable number as autistics have a lot to offer our society that can make both companies strong and the world a better place to live in.

  • Up to 80% of Autistics may meet the criteria for ADHD

Up until 2013, a person was either diagnosed as Autistic or with ADHD.

There are a lot of overlaping traits and characteristics between autism and adhd including impulsivity, difficulty focusing, and social challenges.

with the release of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition), a person can be diagnosed with both autism and adhd

  • 75-95% of Autistic people experience special interests

Special interests are characterized by intense, fixated interests that are abnormal in focus or intensity, and they can be practically anything.

By having a special interest, Autistics may develop a stronger ability to be detailed FOCUSED, which may be a benefit in many lines of work.

  • Up to 70% of Autistic people are LGBTQIA+

Depending on the source you site, I have found this number to be as low as 42%.  When we break it down, men on the spectrum are almost four times as likely to identify as bisexual, and females with autism are three times as likely to identify as gay and Transgender and gender-diverse people are more likely to be diagnosed with autism.

  • 70% of Autistics have a mental health condition and 40% have two or more mental health conditions

Some common mental health conditions that Autistics experience include Anxiety, Depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

  • Autistics are 4 times likelier to experience gastrointestinal issues

Autistics often experience gastrointestinal (GI) issues due to a complex interplay of factors including potential abnormalities in the gut microbiome, heightened sensory sensitivities related to food textures and smells, a strong connection between the gut and brain (“gut-brain axis”), and possible genetic variations that impact both neurological function and digestive processes, leading to issues like constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

  • Autistics are valid and equal to others.

Despite everything shared here and the challenges every Autistic adult faces on a daily basis, each one of us are equal to our Allistic peers and should be treated with respect and dignity.