Review: Stuffed Warmies and how they can help Autistic Adults self Regulate and manage anxiety

I found a great comfort item that helps me when I feel extremely anxious.  Allow me to introduce Waggles, he is a warmie I found on Amazon.

Anxiety is common for Autistic adults.  Anxiety can be tiring and limit our productivity, not to mention that anxiety can do a number on our self-confidence which can cause or add to our depression.

When I feel anxious, especially when my anxiety is heightened, I feel a dull burning pain just above my belly. 

When I was a child, I would feel that pain when I was in the principal’s office or when I was in trouble with my dad, not to mention when my parents fought.

Nowadays I still feel that dull burning pain when I am anxious about money, during slow times of my business, and especially when I worry about my wife stage IV metastatic breast cancer and feel uncertain about the future.

I knew that my anxiety was causing me to feel depressed and was becoming an obstacle between me and my ability to build #DefineYourself – my business.

During the time I was suspecting I was Autistic, I started to do some research into comfort aides and ran across this warmie on Amazon.

There are many types of warnies including cats, dogs, frogs, turtles, bears – I chose golden lab because I have always wanted a golden lab dog and I named him Waggles.

How does waggles work?

When I feel anxious I can hold and pet Waggles as his fur is made from the softest plush materials.  When my anxiety is intense, I take him to his heated doghouse, aka the microwave, and heat him up.  When he is heated, I can place him on my chest where the pain is, and the warmth he omits, which lasts for about an hour, is soothing.

Waggles is slightly scented with French lavender and when heated I can enjoy the calming aroma of lavender.

Waggle can also visit his igloo, aka our refrigerator, and get cooled down.  Once cool he can also be used when seeking a cooling sensation.  Although he musth “Chill” in his igloo longer than he spends in his heated doghouse.

Waggles can be reheated which means he can help me more than just one time.  Waggles can also visit his igloo multiple times.  Waggles can be cleaned with a lightly damp cloth and prefers to air dry at room temperature because he does not like being submerged into water. 

I have found Waggles as a great comfort.  Waggles not only helps with the pain from my anxiety, Waggles helps me self-regulate.  When Waggles is not with me he waits for me in our bed, where I can hold and pet him when I need his help to go to sleep – and the best part is that he comes full housebroken, he does not require any dog food and he never needs to go to the vet.

I would give Waggles a 5 out of 5 balloons rating.  Warmies are a great comfort and can be a healing aid when you are injured by providing warmth or coolness as needed to ease physical pain.

Warmies are not just for kids, but for anyone of any age and suggested retail price on Amazon, at the time of writing this post, is $29.99.

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