How Discovering I am Autistic Changed My Life.
Discover what caused me to start my journey towards an Autism diagnosis and how that journey has changed my life as an Autistic adult.
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Discover what caused me to start my journey towards an Autism diagnosis and how that journey has changed my life as an Autistic adult.
Discover the 9 benefits of having a pet for Autistic adults and which makes a better pet, a cat or a dog?
See the research that has been done to prove if Santa Claus is on the autism spectrum or not.
Grab your conductor’s hat and have your ticket ready as we break down why we are so fascinated by trains and how our fascination may benefit us as Autistic adults.
According to research, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often report having fewer friends, lower quality friendships, and struggle to maintain reciprocal friendships compared to neurotypical individuals,