I was a guest on A Different Way of Seeing Podcast
On A Different Way of Seeing podcast I share how I am overcoming my multiple disabilities and how I use coaching to help others.
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On A Different Way of Seeing podcast I share how I am overcoming my multiple disabilities and how I use coaching to help others.
Help create a YouTube channel that is a valuable resource for the adult Autism community
Join me live August 1st at 3 pm CDT for a look back and a look forward to the future of #DefineYourself and how we will continue to empower you to succeed.
Chirs Mitchell discusses how he has created success as a person with multiple disabilities on Your Blank, Now What podcast with Marci Nettles
Join Chris Mitchell for “Success Starts with Self-Confidence” a virtual event empowering persons with disabilities to grow their self-confidence, presented by the Wheel with Me Foundation.