If you are Autistic and you create a comfortable space for yourself that is surrounded by all the things you need including water, food, stim toys, your phone, noise cancelling headphones, weighted blanket, cushions, etc. then according to a trend on TikTok, you are nesting.
Before we dive into Autistic nesting, it is important for me to remind you that Allistics also nest. This means that nesting is not exclusively an Autistic trait, However, the reasons why we Autistics nest may be related to being Autistic.
Nesting helps create a safe space away from the outside world and the stress that comes along with it. This stress may cause an increase in anxiety for some, if not many, of us on the spectrum. This is often caused by all of the sensory stimuli of the external environment which can be amplified and overwhelming for us Autistics.
By nesting we can give ourselves a chance to de-compress from the overwhelming sensory input and create a safe space for ourselves.
Additionally, Autistics like you and me often need to manage our energy levels. We often experience exhaustion due to our challenges with managing sensory input, communication differences, and having a brain that tends to process the detail.
To recover from all of that and more you may need to schedule time to rest in your day and sometimes schedule full day of rest with no expectations. During these breaks where you can engage in some self-care, you need a place to engage in self-care and that is when you should return to your nest.
When you create your nest, aka your safe place, you have created a place of predictability. You know that your nesting place will always be the same, regardless of what changes in life or what unpredictable occur in your world.
Your nest is the safe space you can get back to and “escape” from the stress of everything. Your nest can also be great for regulating your emotions.
If you also struggle with interoception, interoception is the sense which picks up on what is going on inside your body including the ability to pick up the cue that you are hungry, your nest – which may be stocked with food – can remind you to eat and drink by you simply seeing the food and beverages you have placed in your nest.