The background of the image is a grey computer keyboard with the letters “C” and “V” blurred. To the left of the spacebar, there is the wheelchair-disabled logo in white on a key. Centered and filling most of the image is a white transparent overlay. On the left of the transparent area image is a photo of Dominika Staniewicz, a Caucasian woman with dark brown hair that goes beyond her shoulders, smiling, wearing a white top, black jacket, and a white necklace with her name and Brain Coach D under her photo. To the right of the photo appears Epileptic holistic life brain coach. Dominika Staniewicz shares her journey as an blue text. Near the bottom of the image is a white bar that stretches across the entire image and transitions into navy blue. In the vibrant blue text, within the bar, appears “Successful. Self-Employed & Disabled”. Above the bar on the left side of the screen, is a white tab with #DFYSPodcast in two shades of blue.

Epileptic holistic life brain coach. Dominika Staniewicz shares her journey as an entrepreneur.

A woman, a mother, a singer, an explorer a coach a knowledge enthusiast an overcomer a dreamer, and simply a good human. Dominika Staniewicz has been advising presidents and separated hangers at a warehouse. Dominika follows her heart and lives in integrity. Dominika has been through it all one thing she did not do is allow her disability to take away her dreams. 3 times book author in two different genres, holder of a masters degree and double BA. 

A Brain Coach and an Elite Neuro Encoding specialist with holistic life coaching qualifications. Licensed as a by Dr. Amen, ( Amen University) a renowned neuropsychiatrist. And a founder member of The Neuroencoding Institute founded by Ph.D. Joseph McClendon II world-class neuropsychologist and high-performance coach long life business partner of Tony Robbins. Dominika Staniewicz’s coaching approach is unique as she blends scientific knowledge about the brain with the emotional support of a life coach. Dominika helps people assassinate: anxiety, depression, fear of failure, fear of rejection, self-doubt, loathing, imposter syndrome, anger management, procrastination and feeling of not enough. Dominika uses techniques like neuroencoding and EMDR to help her clients reprogram their brains and create new neuropathways, enabling them to achieve their desired lives. Dominika simply encodes success and happiness in your DNA 🙂 making life simple and not overwhelming. 

Dominika Staniewicz helps you rewire your brain so you don’t experience: overwhelm, anxiety, depresion, self-doubt, procrastination, fear of failure fear of success and imposter syndrome, Dominika helps your ADHD to become your superpower by creating strategies that work for you. Dominika makes life simpler and encode success and happiness in your DNA 

How to connect with Dominika Staniewicz

Links from this episode

Hey #DefineYourselfer! Join myself, Tony Jacobsen and A. M. Willians live at Power in Disability on March 23rd 2024. I will be presenting “Power in Self-Confidence” where I will share 3 ways you can immediately start discovering, developing, and growing your self-confidence to create the success you desire and deserve as a person with a disability. For more details visit Do it now, your future self is waiting to thank you!

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