The background of the image is a grey computer keyboard with the letters “C” and “V” blurred. To the left of the spacebar, there is the wheelchair-disabled logo in white on a key. Centered and filling most of the image is a white transparent overlay. On the left of the transparent area image is a photo of Alison Hayes, a Caucasian woman with shoulder length blond hair, wearing glasses, smiling outdoors. with her name and “Thriving While Disabled” under her photo. To the right of the photo appears Alison Hayes Is Thriving While Disabled in blue text. Near the bottom of the image is a white bar that stretches across the entire image and transitions into navy blue. In the vibrant blue text, within the bar, appears “Successful. Self-Employed & Disabled”. Above the bar on the left side of the screen, is a white tab with #DFYSPodcast in two shades of blue.

Alison Hayes Is Thriving While Disabled

Alison Hayes has been living with nonapparent disabilities since her first diagnosis at 3 years of age. In 2018, she created Thriving While Disabled, initially a blog and now also a coaching and educational service intended to help disabled folks navigate the broken systems we face. 

Alison Hayes is no stranger to the social security, social welfare, and healthcare systems that disabled people often must participate in to survive. She has been supported by them for most of her adult life, since her Functional Neurological Disorder symptoms became disabling in 2003, when she was in her early 20’s. Her experiences with mental illness and societal ableism started even earlier, with a mild learning disability diagnosis at the age of 3 and a diagnosis of depression at the age of 9. 

Fortunately, she also had the educational opportunities to really understand the deep-seated brokenness of these systems and analyze their dysfunction, and psychological support through her challenges to help her succeed anyway. 

She has used the combination of her life experiences and the learning and research she has done on these systems to create her site and coaching business, Thriving While Disabled(, so she can help other disabled folks to navigate the broken systems and create their best possible lives.

Thriving While Disabled is all about helping you navigate the broken systems we all face as people with chronic health conditions. My blog contains detailed articles discussing many aspects of being a disabled person in our modern world, including both the medical care system, and the social welfare programs that help us survive. For those who, like me, must interact with Social Security’s Disability or the Supplemental Security Income programs, I can help you to get on them, or to develop a plan for employment or self-employment while covered by either program. For more on those offers: or or just contact me: [email protected]

I also offer support when it comes to health and medical care(another major topic on my blog). If you’ve been struggling with accepting and adjusting to your diagnosis and getting the medical care you need, I’m here to support you through that mental and emotional journey by helping you prioritize, recognize likely barriers, and plan solutions to the challenges you face. I’m very focused on supportive problem-solving, and recognize that ableism and medical trauma can deeply impact your medical care decisions. I’m here to be your BFF when it comes to translating medical speak into action, and feeling secure in your diagnosis and treatment plan. If you’re interested in medical care support: or just contact me directly: [email protected]

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